Friday 5 November 2010

The philosopher Bernardino Telesio

According to the philosophy of Bernardino Telesio from the principles that govern the life of nature are three. Agents operating in the universe in fact two principles - the hot and cold - they are able to perceive and be perceived. But the hot and cold need a third principle, this time liabilities, which exert their action: the body mass or matter. Neither the nature nor the staff body mass index are substantial, as neither the one nor the other can exist by itself (and this is the etymological meaning of the term substance). On the one hand, the principles of staff may not operate if they do not matter, because no principle immaterial - as are the hot and cold - can produce an effect without infuse into something material. On the other hand, body mass, in itself inert and shapeless (and only) was created by God to be formed, and continuously changing nature of the two agents. The three principles - hot, cold and body mass - are thus never separated.

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