Sunday, 28 November 2010

hot and cold | industry vs artis

Industrialization changed the way of thinking about hot and cold.
The contrast "hot versus cold" in a society based on agriculture and handicraft corresponded to the collision "fire vs. ice". But then the progressive industrialization has changed the meaning of the two adjectives leading to a comparison between the energy and the set of tools related to it and the refrigerator, as well as the set of devices that allow the cooling.
We can say that the watch is the first tool of an industrial society, because it changed the society and made it an industrial one. But also energy had changed  considerably the way of life, bringing the light in the houses and also an high number of tools useful for housekeepers.
Then you can add:
- the transition time from the icebox to the refrigerator;
- the transition from fire to light, engine and oven.

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