Tuesday 26 October 2010

How Seasons Come Out

Long long time ago, the world was regardless of seasons, hot and cold.The ground was not welled, withour harvest,people were frozen to death or starved to death.
Just when people were worried, a very old man said: "I heard the Jade Emperor rules the world of all things, we beg the Jade Emperor, tell him to drop something to eat."
People felt justified, so they knelt on the ground prayed together. The Jade Emperor heard the noises and asked the civil and military ministers: " What's the problem?"

One minister said: "The world is neither hot nor cold, people live without food or drink, without clothes they were even naked. They pray to you, ask you to rescue them."
Jade Emperor heard this, then commanded the gods hot and cold take in charge of human's day.
The gods
hot and cold are brothers. The God cold has a bad temper. When he was a mad, the wind was strong and the earth would be immediately under the snow, a lot of people freezing to death, people called him the winter. However the other brother has mild temper, people called him the summer.The Jade Emperor ordered the gods to take turn of half the year.
This went on for many years, one day the Jade Emperor went to see the Nantianmen play, but saw the people on earth like chaos, so asked the minister. Minister said: "The God of hot and cold change the charge.Now it is suddenly replaced by the cold of God, the world is not prepared, people rushing to home, a lot of them are frozen to death along the way."
Emperor thougt that is not appropriate to order hot and cold to the gods to live in the world, three months for a return to classes, intermittently for three months. In this way, the world appeared only seasons.

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