Welcome to the blog of Hot and Cold!
We are three students of the master in Eco-design from the Politecnico di Torino, Zhennan Dai, Francesca Ghigo and Elisa Colia.
This Blog is related to the course of "History of material culture" Professor Marchis. We deal with the dualism between two adjectives HOT and COLD that we decline in every possible way: from art to industry, from geography to history and from etymology to literature.
The blog is organized with the most recent posts in the central part, in the side there are links to other blogs that deal with other opposing concepts, labels and titles in a chronological order of our posts.
During the final analysis we found that some topics are recurring as can be seen from the concept map such as color, temperature, people, nature and emotions.
我们是都灵理工生态设计研究生专业的学生,戴镇南,Francesca Ghigo和Elisa Colia。
这个博客衍生于 Marchis教授的课程,物质文化的历史。通过这个博客,我们从各个角度探讨关于“热和冷” 这组反义词的二元关系: 从艺术到工业,从地理到历史,从词源学到文学等等。
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